
Showing posts from October, 2015

To the Super Moon (surrendering to new beginnings)

Through empty space it passes, trees starkly naked in it's eternal majesty; it's reflected light from another time, new beginnings burning ancient wisdom, hardened memories reaching out to departing clouds; I'm suddenly grounded in this place of silently sad music, a calm, poised energy settling in as I surrender to the greatness of all that is.

Open longings

let's tighten the space in openness like rays of sun let future become present like melting drops of ice transform past into fluid new like these burning colors these dancing leaves like a heart wildly calm burning furiously for home let's come home again to solid love

Heart vs. Intuition

There's illusion in all we do unintended expectations a biting pretext of a future trying to be more clear: I can not see you there, and that's okay; abstracted notions of love are something we'll keep leaving behind and the more unclear it becomes, the more we embrace a predetermined context that will hold us dearly close - two slices of eternity merging at the crossroads of infinite love; And we're getting closer to that point, a point that carries on a point that births the rest of time And I'll let you go Over and over until we're finally at that point of truly unconditioned love **** I'm uprooting you from my mind, all those mistaken connections found in your arms all those frenzied romantic moments dulled by the wayside the magic of a transcended intimacy a chemical sensation of timeless love a kind of trap a kind of blind to empty holes and guarded lies and some of the roots go so deep, I'm still yanking at the mistak...